Most Profitable Sport To Bet On

Sports betting has been in high demand and popular these days. It provides a different kind of entertainment experience that led many fans, particularly in Europe, where sports betting is rooted very tightly. Thus, it has many online betting sites available that bettors can bet.

  1. Most Profitable Sport To Bet On Tv
  2. Most Profitable Sport To Bet Online

Which is the most profitable sport to bet on, according to you? I'm planning to do some statistical research on gambling. I want to deep dive into one of the sport and try to find my edge. I understand the following sports.

Aside from entertainment, sports betting has many to offer, including profits. All of the bettors aim for a successful bet, and that means to be profitable. One way to get that is to know which sport is the most profitable to bet on. Well, here are the most profitable sports you can choose to bet on.

  1. Each sport has its area in the sporting activities wagering sector. It’s just that some marks are far more rewarding than others. Football has the highest possible volume bet while also being the most profitable sporting activity. That is because of the reality that there are many fewer video games to bet.
  2. Sports betting is a favorite pastime for many gamblers, therefore, they’re in a constant search for best sports for betting to increase their winning chances. As the number of online casinos in the US today increased, the betting game choice has also expanded. You can find the easiest sports to bet as well as the most complex ones and bet.


Football is one of the most popular sports, especially in Europe. This sport has a lot of fans which makes it the most profitable sport to bet on. Although football has only fewer leagues, it has many games to bet worldwide, which gives a lot of choices to increase your chance of winning.

You can also have many options as to which aspect of the game you want to bet on, such as who will score first, which team member will get an injury, or how many yellow cards a team will get.


Boxing used to be widely popular to bet on, especially in the United States. Although its popularity was unlike before, still, it remains to be profitable. Boxing has only a few proposition bets such as knockdown, the duration of the fight, point deduction, and decisions. This will give you a higher chance of winning as the probabilities are only limited.


Basketball is a trendy game across the globe. It has a lot of games every year. The NBA has 1230 games in just a single season which means that you have many opportunities by betting on this sport. Thus, you can even bring back your lost money on your previous betting. Underdog bettors should bet in the first season to have enough time to find a better chance at winning.


Baseball may not be popular in some countries. But it is still considered one of the most popular sports to bet on. Just take a bit more cautious if you planned to bet on this sport, as betting on this sport may be tricky sometimes. More often, the team which the minority only bet on wins, or your favorite team may lose. However, this sport has a lot of useful data to take to your advantage and make you well-informed of the game.


Tennis may not be famous for sports betting even in the United States, but this sport can still make you profitable with the right betting strategy. Tennis tournaments usually last for weeks, so you can have many opportunities to find the best odds, especially in the earlier rounds. More often, the same players that win in earlier rounds reach the final stages of the tournament. Thus, parlay betting in this sport gives you a better profit if you win the bet.


Several presumptions are correlated with volleyball, but the fact is, this is a very competitive sport. Thus, you can get a great deal more cash flow through volleyball betting more than you think. The principles of volleyball can rely on which adaptation you are playing because there are two main versions of volleyball: indoor and beach. That’s why when you are about to bet, see all the betting options for sports and volleyball to refrain from confusion.

Quick Guide for Sports Betting

Being new to sports betting might get you curious and confused about many things, especially when you see or hear many unfamiliar terms. As a newbie to this market, reading helps you a lot if you want to be profitable. Also, you have to prepare your emotions for the profit and losses that you will encounter. Sports betting is really hard especially if you are really aiming for a successful bet. Lastly, know your weaknesses and strengths. As you go on betting, you can assess yourself on which bet do you usually win or which sports mostly made you successful in betting.


Sports betting may give you large amounts of profits. However, you need to invest a lot of time constructing strategies just to make a successful bet. Knowing which is the most profitable sport to bet on is actually a good start as you can get a glimpse of which sport you would like to specialize in. Some sports are naturally hard to bet on. But the profitable sports that you can bet on will only depend on your knowledge about that sport. After all, sports betting is fun, so just enjoy your betting!

Sports betting is becoming popular throughout the world as more countries begin to regulate the industry, making it legal to bet on sports.

This is nothing new to Aussies, as we’ve been able to enjoy a cheeky bet on the footy with the best sports betting websites for as long as we can remember.

But what is truly the most profitable sport to bet on?

It is a question that can’t be answered easily because it really depends on the level of sports knowledge you have and the amount of time you have available to invest in learning the ins-and-outs.

Comparing Australian Sports Betting With The World

For Aussies, we love to bet on our homegrown Australian sports leagues like the A-League, NRL, AFL, and the NBL.

But, in comparison to the popular Australian leagues, America is one market that has huge potential for bettors because of the sheer number of games that are being played each week.

Look at it this way:

  • The National Football League (NFL) has 256 games per season
  • The National Hockey League (NHL) has 1230 games per season
  • The National Basketball Association (NBA) has 1230 games per season
  • Major League Baseball (MLB) has a 162 game schedule, meaning 2430 games per season

Compare the above figures with the leagues in Australia, we have:

  • Australian Football League (AFL) has 396 games per season
  • National Rugby League (NRL) has 384 games per season
  • The A-League has 286 games per season
  • Australian Baseball League (ABL) has 320 games per season

It is easy to see that expanding your comfort zone to include the American sports leagues can be very lucrative –plus in Australia, punters can bet on sports worldwide thanks to the gambling-friendly legislation.

What is also interesting for the American sports leagues is that analysts provide comprehensive stats and match-ups information.

This data comes in very handy because, with online sports betting, there are a variety of markets to place wagers with this information coming in very handy.

The MLB is a tricky sport to bet on because of this, the game is very player focused rather than being a team-based sport. So, while punters can bet on a variety of player stats, a slump in player form can place a big shift in your returns and also means you need to pay extra attention to analyzing match-ups.

Five Profitable Sports For Australians To Bet On

The beauty of Aussie sports is there is always something going on, meaning punters can bet all year round.

Check out the following markets for easy-to-bet sports, which are very welcoming for beginners.

Australian Football League

This one is a no brainer for many Aussies, purely because the game is so popular, provided you live in the south-east states.

For punters with a solid knowledge of the AFL and understand the ins-and-outs of the game, betting on the AFL is a good starting point.


The world game has unbelievably huge markets worldwide.

It’s a hate-it-or-love-it game, but the markets don’t lie. Betting on football (or soccer for some) is less technical so an easy entry point for sports bettors.

Basketball – NBA and NBL

Basketball is surging in popularity largely thanks to the massive personalities in the game, and the accessibility for fans to connect to their lives through social media.

For punters, Basketball is fast-paced which makes the game easy to get into and the simple rules are a punters dream.

Make full use of the NBA and Australia’s NBL for a significant number of games to bet on, but do some research into the star players on teams and check out the recent events for teams as the potential for upsets is high in these two leagues.

For advanced bettors, consider checking out the NCAA College scene in America, which is extremely popular, however, not too beginner-friendly given players are coming out of high-school, which means reputable information can be less accessible.

National Rugby League

Much the same as the footy chances are if you aren’t mad keen for AFL then you will be heavily involved with NRL.

Most Profitable Sport To Bet On Tv

For punters with sound knowledge of the biff and NRL, it would be best to stick close to home and start with following your hometown league team.

Baseball – MLB and ABL

Baseball in America is massive.

Odds for the MLB are very lucrative which can make a decent profit if done right, however, the large volume of games may cause punter exhaustion!

Most profitable sports organization

While the MLB season runs from March to October, the Australian baseball league will keep you busy in the off-season, with the ABL running from late November to early February.

Most Profitable Sport To Bet Online

We recommend punters who are just starting out with baseball to consider starting out by focusing on just one league – i.e. either the American League or the National League for the MLB. This will reduce the number of games and teams significantly because each league has 15 teams.